港務人員稱這個月為港灣的Super February,雖然這二月只有二十八天,但駛進港灣的豪華遊輪也有二十八艘之多,這些船有大有小有高有矮有胖有瘦,但真正的壓軸好戲是在今天登場。
Queen Mary 2是目前世界上最大的豪華遊輪,正進行環遊世界的行程,有乘客花台幣五百多萬入住船上的高級套房。因為的船身太長,兩個專門停靠豪華遊輪的碼頭都沒辦法容納,只好跟海軍借用植物園旁的海軍碼頭。早上搭火車過橋時就先看船到底停在哪裡,下班就近去看,果然是大到要退到好遠才能拍下整艘船,真是驚人。
Queen Mary 2 facts
- The Queen Mary 2 is two thirds the length of the Sydney Harbour Bridge
- The ship's engines produces enough thrust to launch a jumbo jet and can reach a top speed of 30 knots
- It has 1072 deck chairs, 2000 bathrooms, 3000 telephones and 5000 stairs
- It weighs 150,000 tonnes and is 345 metres long
- The Queen Mary 2 is the largest passenger ship to ever visit Australia, it is more than double the size of the Queen Elizabeth 2 and more than three times the size of the Titanic
- The ship is 44 metres longer than the Eiffel Tower is tall (300 metres)
- It is 34 metres longer than the original Queen Mary
- It cost an estimated $800 million dollars to build
- The Queen Mary 2's whistle is audible for 16 kilometres
- The ship has no wheel but a joystick to control its movements.
Source: Daily Telegraph, Australia.